$10 CASHBACK when you share about PIJ in instagram!

4:55 PM 0 Comments

Please follow our instagram account and share your shopping or experience in PIJ to your friend!

Now, we just upgrade the cashback from
$5 to $10!

Do you have instagram account?

PIJ have instagram account!


We are everyday updating the photos that we got the order from our customers or also sharing you about something interesting news we found.

Please check and enjoy it!

Follow our account!

**********Our account**********



When you received your ordered items from us, please share to your follower by all means!
by using this!!


And after you do that, let us know about that from DM of instagram.
We confirm that, and will refund $10 about your previous payment.

We are looking forward to your sharing!!

We welcome the combining Summer promotion and instagram promotion.
If you can get both of the promotions, wow! You can get big discount!
Enjoy shopping!!

We hope you enjoy shopping on Private Import Japan! 

Private Import Japan

We are always looking forward to accepting your order!

We want to provide you better service.

If there are any questions or requesting, please feel free to send message to us!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google