G-shock cllaboration with The Hundreds

8:25 AM 0 Comments


Have you heard Fashion brand "The Hundreds" and "G-shock" tied up?
This one

I couldnt introduce any good designed g-shock recently.
Well Ultraman-seven yes.

But that was more about charactor than brand.

This watch is really kakkoii street fashioned g-shock.

Its really cool!

On list band it says "Los Angeles,San fransisco,New york"on
White wrist band.

And otherside of band which is black side,The Hundreds print on it :-)
I am sure this item will be very popular.

And come with cool box.

It still not released but will be soon!

you can get this in PIJ now.
Still only couple seller is listing :-(
So dont miss this chance!


Recently I only got few new information now from Japan.

In Japan April is good start of everything.
Such as School.

We start new grades in April.
I dont know Why but I think old people beleives that
April is start of birth.

Any way also lots of production and even animation
starts from April :-)

I am really looking forward to know
what new items will going to release next month :-)



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google