The Secret World of Arrietty

11:01 AM , 0 Comments

Have you seen this movie already?

Released in Feburuary 12th in United States.
How about in your country?

Ofcourse I already watched this film :-)

I am big fan of Sutdio Ghibli <3
Well i love Laputa castl in the sky.

This is also good to :-)
I loved house keeper.

You will see when you watched this movie LOL

She is really evil character.

I heard many foreigner loved this film.
And also many customer bought items of Arrietty this couple weeks :-)

Must be popular♪

By the way this is trail of "The Secret World of Arrietty"

What do you think?

In Japan many Ghibli items are so popular:-)

DVD of "The Secret World of Arrietty"

Japanese version
Subtitled in Japanese or English

Please tell me if there are the items you want :D
Please Don't hesitate to tell me :)

The Secret World of Arrietty photo frame

Arrietty clothespin model

The Secret World of Arrietty Playing card.

The Secret World of Arrietty mascot doll

Arrietty pouch

For more Ghibli items


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google